Itinerarios Sonoros

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Itinerarios Sonoros is a podcast series and educational initiative on sound, music, and the environment in the Caribbean. The podcast was produced in 2018-19, in collaboration with Lydia Platón, Mariana Reyes, Juan Otero Garabís, and Nalini Natarajan. It featured a broad array of beloved voices from Latin Caribbean, South America, South Asia, Africa and their diasporas. The series aired on Radio San Juan, a radio station in the heart of San Juan’s historic district, and featured episodes on a variety of sound- and music-related themes. Among them was an episode devoted exclusively to cultural resilience, environmental responsibility, and solidarity between island-based activists in the aftermath of Hurricane María. The episode is available here.
The Itinerarios Sonoros team has also produced four curriculum guides, which use material from the podcast to confer valuable cultural and environmental lessons. One of these guides students (ages 15 and up) through the process of questioning anthropocentrism— that is, recognizing humanity’s tendency to focus solely on itself, and then transforming that impulse into an appreciation of all living beings. The curriculum guides are complete and will soon be available online to students in the Caribbean and across the globe.