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Parrotta, Priya. The Politics of Coexistence in the Atlantic World: The Greater Caribbean. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.


Parrotta, Priya. To Dream Again: Island Environmentalism through Music. Peer reviews available here. 


Parrotta, Priya. "To Dream Again: Island Soundscapes & Environmentalism." In Globalization and Planetary Ethics: New Terrains of Consciousness. Routledge, 2023

Parrotta, Priya. "When Oceans Meet: Musical Diversity, Environmentalism and Dialogue in a Changing World." Introductory chapter in conference proceedings - Conciencias Sonoras: Reflexiones Pos-María desde la música y el arte al Cambio Climático, 2019. 

Parrotta, Priya. "Soundwaves: Political and Musical Exchange between Students and Activists in the Caribbean and Pacific Islands." In conference proceedings - Conciencias Sonoras: Reflexiones Pos-María desde la música y el arte al Cambio Climático, 2019.

Parrotta, Priya. “From Forests to the Public Sphere: Promoting Awareness by Expanding Concern.” In Acta Científica, a multidisciplinary journal for work in the natural science. 2019.

Parrotta, Priya. “Listening to Huracán María.” In Faith Initiative, a print publication dedicated to global, interfaith understanding and peace. 2018. 

Parrotta, Priya.  “Men Who Doubt Infinity.” In Q.E.D., an Oxford-based publication which reimagines the learning and teaching of mathematics. 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. “Sound & the City: Music for Climate Awareness in Urban Spaces.” In Green Sun Cities,  an online magazine in Nairobi, which focuses on the intersections of art, environment, and urban life — 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. '"Listening in a Time of Climate Change.” In New Music Box, a publication of New Media USA. 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. “Ecological Wisdom, Living Soundscapes.” In New Music Box, a publication of New Media USA. 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. “Composing Interdependence: Songs Along the Nile.” In New Music Box, a publication of New Media USA. 2017.  

Parrotta, Priya. “Music and (Social/Cultural) Resilience.” In New Music Box, a publication of New Media USA. 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. “Music Across Pipelines: Songs from Standing Rock.” In Media Diversified, a platform for critically-informed perspectives on contemporary media. 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. “Om.” In Faith Initiative, a print publication dedicated to global, interfaith understanding and peace. 2017. 

Parrotta, Priya. “Decolonizing Music: A Musical Congress of the Americas.” In Repeating Islands, a website for news and commentary of Caribbean culture, literature and the arts. 2016. 


Parrotta, Priya. Musical Landscapes: Collected Essays. Music & the Earth International. In progress. 

Parrotta, Priya. Liner Notes: Environmental Perspectives on Popular Songs. Music & the Earth International. In progress. 

Parrotta, Priya. Travel Writings: Listening to Maharashtra and Goa (2017-18). Music & the Earth International, 2022. Available here

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